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Join the train of progress !

The small town of Datong is being transformed, following the path of the great Chinese history. Young people work hard there, aiming for the sky, tradition disappears in the face of modern urbanism and nothing will stop the advance of power.

Thus China will become « a great socialist country, beautiful, modern, prosperous, powerful, democratic, harmonious and highly civilized » .

Let yourself be guided trough a sensitive journey to the heart of these great changes.

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Feature film :

76 minutes

Support :

DCP - Bluray - DVD

Languages :

Chinese - English - French

“They cut off the water and electricity to make people leave.”

Liu Shang

“I think a China Dream not just belongs to us, it belongs to all the Chinese”

Xin Yu

“All these new neihbourhoods, I'm too old to go there by myself.”

Xinrui Li

Directors : Hugo Brilmaker & Thomas Licata

Written by : Thomas Licata & Hugo Brilmaker

Sound : Thomas Licata

Image : Hugo Brilmaker

Editor : Liyo Gong

Sound design and editing : Adrien Pinet

Color grading Benjamin Dontaine

Production manager : Céline Rauw

Production secretary : François Dombret

International development : Florence Saâdi

Accounting : Jean Dumbruch

Producteur : Christine Pireaux - Les Films de la Passerelle

DIRECTED BYThomas Licata & Hugo Brilmaker
PRODUCED BYChristine Pireaux - Les Films de la Passerelle
WRITTEN BY Thomas Licata & Hugo Brilmaker SOUND Thomas Licata IMAGE Hugo Brilmaker EDITOR Liyo Gong SOUND DESIGN & EDITING Adrien Pinet PRODUCTION MANAGER Céline Rauw PRODUCTION Les Films de la Passerelle WITH Voo AND BeTV AND Le Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles WITH THE SUPPORT OF Creative Europe Media Programme of the European Union